Introduction to OOP PHP (Object Oriented PHP)

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects, which have properties and methods, to represent real-world entities and their behavior. In PHP, OOP is implemented through classes and objects.

Here is an example of a simple class in PHP:

class Car {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public $fuel;

  public function honk() {
    return "Honk honk!";

This class, called “Car”, has three properties: $make, $model, and $year, and one method: honk(). To create an object of this class, or an instance of the class, you would use the “new” keyword like this:

$myCar = new Car();

You can then access the properties and methods of the object like this:

$myCar->make = "Honda";
$myCar->model = "Civic";
$myCar->year = 2020;
$myCar->fuel = "DIESEL";

echo $myCar->make; // outputs "Honda"
echo $myCar->honk(); // outputs "Honk honk!"

Additionally you can use constructor to initialize the object while creating it.

class Car {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function __construct($make, $model, $year) {
    $this->make = $make;
    $this->model = $model;
    $this->year = $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Honk honk!";

$myCar = new Car("Toyota", "Yaris", 2020);

This is a basic introduction to OOP in PHP, there are many more concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation etc. which makes OOP more powerful.

PHP Object Inheritance

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows one class to inherit the properties and methods of another class. In PHP, inheritance is implemented using the “extends” keyword.

Here’s an example of how inheritance works in PHP:

class Vehicle {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Honk honk!";

class Car extends Vehicle {
  public $numDoors;

  public function honk() {
    return "Beep beep!";

In this example, the “Car” class is inheriting from the “Vehicle” class. This means that the “Car” class has access to all of the properties and methods of the “Vehicle” class, including the $make, $model, $year properties, and the honk() method. Additionally, the “Car” class has its own property $numDoors and honk() method which will override the honk() method of the “Vehicle” class.

You can create an object of the “Car” class like this:

$myCar = new Car();

And you can access the properties and methods of both the “Car” class and the “Vehicle” class that it inherits from:

$myCar->make = "BMW";
$myCar->model = "320D";
$myCar->year = 2020;
$myCar->numDoors = 4;

echo $myCar->make; // outputs "BMW"
echo $myCar->honk(); // outputs "Beep beep!"

It is important to note that the properties of the parent class that are defined as private or protected cannot be accessed directly in the child class, but the methods can be overridden in the child class to access them.

You can use this concept to create more complex and organized code by creating a hierarchy of classes that inherit from one another.

PHP Object Polymorphism

Polymorphism is a concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common class. This means that you can use a single method or function to operate on objects of multiple classes. In PHP, polymorphism is implemented through interfaces and abstract classes.

Here’s an example of polymorphism in PHP:

interface Honkable {
  public function honk();

class Car implements Honkable {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Beep beep!";

class Truck implements Honkable {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Honk honk!";

In this example, the “Car” class and the “Truck” class both implement the “Honkable” interface. This means that they both have to implement the honk() method. Now, you can create an array of vehicles, and you can use a single function to call the honk() method on all of the objects in the array, regardless of whether they are cars or trucks.

$vehicles = array(new Car(), new Truck());

foreach ($vehicles as $vehicle) {
    echo $vehicle->honk();

This example demonstrates how polymorphism allows you to write more flexible and reusable code. Because both the “Car” class and the “Truck” class implement the same interface, you can use a single function to operate on objects of both classes, without having to write separate functions for each class.

Additionally, you can use abstract classes which can be extended by other classes, but cannot be instantiated. These classes can define abstract methods which have to be implemented by the child classes and can be used in a similar way as interfaces.

You can use polymorphism to create more flexible and reusable code by allowing objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common class.

PHP Object Encapsulation

Encapsulation is a concept in OOP that allows you to hide the internal state and behavior of an object from the outside world. In PHP, encapsulation is implemented through the use of access modifiers such as “public”, “private” and “protected” to control the visibility of properties and methods.

Here’s an example of encapsulation in PHP:

class Car {
  private $make;
  private $model;
  private $year;

  public function __construct($make, $model, $year) {
    $this->make = $make;
    $this->model = $model;
    $this->year = $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Honk honk!";

  public function getMake() {
    return $this->make;

  public function setMake($make) {
    $this->make = $make;

In this example, the properties of the class, $make, $model, and $year, are defined as private. This means that they can only be accessed from within the class. To access these properties from outside the class, you can use public methods, such as getMake() and setMake() in this example, to read and update the properties.

You can create an object of the class like this:

$myCar = new Car("Audi", "A4", 2022);

And you can access the properties using the public methods:

echo $myCar->getMake(); // outputs "Audi"
echo $myCar->getMake(); // outputs "Mercedes-Benz"

This example demonstrates how encapsulation allows you to hide the internal state and behavior of an object from the outside world, and how it allows you to control access to the internal data of an object.

Additionally, you can use protected access modifier, which allows the properties and methods to be accessed within the class and classes that extend it.

Encapsulation is a key principle of OOP and it allows you to create more robust and maintainable code by controlling the access to the internal state and behavior of an object.

PHP Object Abstraction

Abstraction is a concept in object-oriented programming (OOP) that allows you to focus on the essential features of an object, while hiding its complexity. In PHP, abstraction is implemented through the use of abstract classes and interfaces.

An abstract class is a class that cannot be instantiated on its own, but can be extended by other classes. An abstract class can define abstract methods, which are methods that do not have a concrete implementation in the abstract class, but must be implemented by the child classes.

Here’s an example of an abstract class in PHP:

abstract class Vehicle {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  abstract public function honk();

class Car extends Vehicle {
  public function honk() {
    return "Beep beep!";

In this example, the “Vehicle” class is an abstract class that defines an abstract method called honk(). Because the “Vehicle” class is abstract, you cannot create an object of this class. However, the “Car” class can extend this abstract class and implement the honk() method.

An interface is another way to implement abstraction in PHP. An interface defines a set of methods that a class must implement. Unlike an abstract class, an interface cannot have any properties or methods with implementation.

Here’s an example of an interface in PHP:

interface Honkable {
  public function honk();

class Car implements Honkable {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Beep beep!";

In this example, the “Honkable” interface defines a method called honk(). The “Car” class implements this interface and thus must implement the honk() method.

Abstraction allows you to create more maintainable and reusable code by hiding the complexity of the implementation and allowing you to focus on the essential features of an object. This is particularly useful when creating large systems or libraries where you want to provide a simple and consistent interface to the user while hiding the complexity of the implementation.

PHP Object Interfaces

In PHP, interfaces are a way to define a set of methods that a class must implement. An interface is defined using the “interface” keyword, and it cannot have any properties or methods with implementation. Instead, an interface defines a contract or a blueprint that a class must adhere to in order to implement the interface.

Here’s an example of an interface in PHP:

interface Honkable {
  public function honk();

In this example, the “Honkable” interface defines a single method called “honk()”. Any class that implements this interface must have a method called “honk()” with the same signature, meaning the same name and the same parameters.

A class can implement one or multiple interfaces by using the “implements” keyword, like this:

class Car implements Honkable {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function honk() {
    return "Beep beep!";

In this example, the “Car” class implements the “Honkable” interface. This means that the “Car” class must have a method called “honk()” with the same signature as the one defined in the interface.

Interfaces can be useful in situations where multiple classes must share a common functionality or behavior. It allows you to define a contract that multiple classes must adhere to, without having to define the implementation in each class.

An Interface can’t have any constant or property, it can only contain methods and constants. Also, unlike abstract classes, an interface can’t have any method with an implementation.

This is how interfaces work in PHP. Use this concept to create more flexible and reusable code by allowing objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common interface.

About PHP Magic Methods

In PHP, “magic methods” are special methods that begin with “__” (double underscore). These methods are automatically called by the PHP runtime in certain situations and allow you to define custom behavior for certain events, such as when an object is created, when an object is cloned, or when an object is serialized.

Here are some examples of magic methods in PHP:

__construct(): This method is called when an object is created. It can be used to initialize the object’s properties and perform other setup tasks.

class Car {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;

  public function __construct($make, $model, $year) {
    $this->make = $make;
    $this->model = $model;
    $this->year = $year;

__clone(): This method is called when an object is cloned. It can be used to make a deep copy of the object’s properties, or to perform other tasks when an object is cloned.

class Car {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;
  public function __clone(){
      $this->year = $this->year + 1;

__destruct(): This method is called when an object is destroyed. It can be used to clean up resources or perform other tasks when an object is destroyed.

class Car {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;
  public function __destruct(){
      echo "Car object is destroyed";

__toString(): This method is called when an object is used as a string. It can be used to define a custom string representation of an object.

class Car {
  public $make;
  public $model;
  public $year;
  public function __toString(){
      return $this->make." ".$this->model." ".$this->year;

These are just a few examples of the magic methods that are available in PHP. There are many other magic methods that can be used to customize the behavior of objects in various situations. These methods allow you to define custom behavior for certain events and provide a more powerful and flexible way to work with objects in PHP.

PHP OOP Frameworks

In PHP, a framework is a pre-built collection of classes, functions and tools that provide a structure for developing web applications. Frameworks are designed to make the development process more efficient and organized by providing a set of conventions and best practices for building web applications.

Some popular PHP frameworks include:

  • Laravel: This is a modern, open-source PHP framework that is designed for web application development. It provides a simple and elegant syntax, making it easy to work with and understand. It also offers a robust set of tools and features, including routing, controllers, models, views, and more.
  • CodeIgniter: This is a lightweight, open-source PHP framework that is designed for rapid web application development. It is easy to learn and use, making it a popular choice for beginners. It also provides a simple and intuitive syntax, and has a small footprint, which makes it ideal for shared hosting environments.
  • Symfony: This is a full-stack, open-source PHP framework that is designed for large-scale web application development. It provides a robust set of tools and features, including routing, controllers, models, views, and more. It also has a large and active community, which makes it easy to find support and resources.
  • Yii: This is a high-performance, open-source PHP framework that is designed for web application development. It is built on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and provides a robust set of tools and features, including routing, controllers, models, views, and more. It also has a large and active community, which makes it easy to find support and resources.
  • Zend: This is a full-stack, open-source PHP framework that is designed for large-scale web application development. It provides a robust set of tools and features, including routing, controllers, models, views, and more. It also has a large and active community, which makes it easy to find support and resources.

These are just a few examples of popular PHP frameworks. Each framework has its own set of features, strengths, and weaknesses, and it’s important to choose a framework that best fits your specific needs and requirements.

Using a framework can help you to structure your code, increase productivity, and improve the maintainability of your application. It also provides a set of conventions and best practices that you can follow, which can help you to write more consistent and predictable code.







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